Page 34 - Workswell Catalogue
P. 34

WIC SDK & Libraries


                                                              Workswell provides its WIC stationary thermal cameras
                                                              with a WIC SDK development libraries. These develop-
                                                              ment libraries contain the complete package needed for
                                                              user software design and implementation on various
                                                              operating systems and platforms.
                                                              SDK FUNCTIONS & POSSIBILITIES

                                                                 † cameras connecting (Connect, Disconnect)
                                                                 † image reading (Start Acquisition)
                                                                 † radiometry setting (Set Emissivity, Atmospheric tem-
                                                                perature, Humidity, etc.)
                                                                 † administration of thermal cameras

                                                                 † functions for working with the image (Get Maximum,
                                                                Minimum temperature, Select pallets, Get RAW data,
          SDK COMPATIBILITY                                     Get Temperature Data, etc.)
          The WIC Software Development Kit (SDK) is available for
          both  Windows  operating  systems  and  Linux distribu-  UNIQUE FEATURES
          tions. Older x86 processor PC platforms are supported     † Support for Windows and Linux operating sys-
          as well as modern single-board systems on the basis of   tems
          ARM, such as ODROID, Raspberry, NVIDIA, Tegra and         † Support for x86 (PC) and ARM processors
          Jetson.  The  client
          can choose a devel-                                       † Simultaneous connect more thermal cameras
          opment library in                                         † Support for Ethernet and USB3 interfaces
          the  format  of  .dll,                                    † Compatible  with  WIC  resolution  640,  336  and
          Labview  VI,  Matlab                                    160 px
          Simulink or  Dewe-                                        † 14 bit RAW format or full thermal data
          soft plugin.

          SAFETIS SDK


          SAFETIS SDK enables steaming and analysis of thermal
          data from SAFETIS thermal cameras in user applications.
          It enables the integration of the SAFETIS fire safety sys-
          tem into existing applications, or the development of
          new applications according to the current needs.

          The SDK provides a wide range of functions for working
          with a thermal cameras, as well as image processing or
          response to individual temperature alarms.

          The SAFETIS SDK also includes a functions for stream-
          ing and processing radiometric video. Technically, the
          SDK provides the same functionality as controlling the
          SAFETIS camera via the web server. The SAFETIS SDK is
          compatible with all types of SAFETIS cameras.
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