Extinguish fires and explosions before they develop

A spark extinguishing system provides maximum protection against fire and explosion, as sparks and embers are detected and extinguished the moment they occur. We offer a wide range of sensors and extinguishing measures, so we can offer a tailored solution in every case, providing optimum safety for each company.

How spark extinguishing works: 

  1. IR detectors are used to monitor e.g. conveyor belts, filters and silos. The sensors can initiate ultra-fast extinguishing within milliseconds – long before staff or fire brigades can respond.
  2. This effectively prevents the spread of thermal energy from ignition sources, preventing the ignition of combustible materials or dust.
  3. Diversion or isolation of material or product flow can be initiated and used where water cannot be used for extinguishing.
  4. Further extinguishing and alarm action are initiated via a 4-step warning system. These extinguishing and alarm measures can usually be carried out without interrupting the production flow.


A spark extinguishing system from Nextech includes:


Advanced detectors

GreCon’s advanced spark detectors can detect sparks of all sizes from e.g. friction or machine defects in machines, mills, rollers, crushers, etc., or from smouldering embers in filters or silos in which flammable material is stored. The detectors use advanced technology that captures the infrared radiation and energy intensity of the sparks. They can thus detect sparks even through several centimetres of material and can therefore operate in dirty or otherwise exposed environments.

The detectors are highly reliable and robust, minimising the risk of false alarms.

> See our range of detectors here

The world’s fastest extinguishing system

In 2012, GreCon introduced an ultra-fast extinguishing system with a response time of down to 40 milliseconds between spark detection and extinguishing. This is less than one-sixth of the response time of conventional systems, providing both far greater safety and a cheaper system, as fewer installations are needed on a site.  

> See our range of extinguishing measures here

User-friendly control panel

GreCon’s control panel uses touch-and-slide technology, as known from devices like iPads and smartphones. At the same time, floor plans and flow diagrams of the plants can be loaded into the system so that each component can be monitored and controlled in an easy and accessible way.

> Read more about the control panels here

Built-in fault guide

The control system has a built-in log that continuously records what happens to the various components. In the event of a fault or false alarm, the system can print out a description of the fault and suggest how the company can rectify it itself.

Continuous hardware and software optimisation

GreCon’s 50 or so development engineers make a determined effort to constantly innovate and optimise their systems. The motto ‘innovation is our tradition’ unites the company’s 100-year history with a focus on constantly developing new products and optimising existing ones. If we or our customers experience a problem, we can contact GreCon, who will find a solution as soon as possible and develop an update for the system.

Tailored spark extinguishing system for maximum safety

Read more about the elements of a tailored spark extinguishing system from Nextech here: