Nextech offers a non-pressurised fire extinguishing system from EXXFIRE for safeguarding IT and electrical installations.

The EXXFIRE fire suppression system has a new application for rocket launching technology, providing a safe, effective and environmentally-friendly fire extinguishing system for enclosed installations such as server racks, electrical panels and power distribution cabinets.

The system’s smoke detectors detect the development of smoke and initiate a chain reaction in the gas generators, which converts solid matter into nitrogen (N2) gas, which quickly smothers the fire, minimising damage to electrical wires and IT cables.

The system is installed as a retrofit/integrated system, e.g. on top of a server rack, and is available in three sizes depending on the size of the area to be protected.

The maintenance-free system includes:

  • Smoke detection with three optical sensors
  • Backup battery for optimal operational reliability
  • LED indicator and buzzer alarm
  • Non-pressurised gas container with nitrogen gas for extinguishing
  • Silent gas release
  • Environmentally-friendly gas that simply needs to be vented out after system activation.



Project design steps for object protection with EXXFIRE fire extinguishing system:

The design and installation of an EXXFIRE fire extinguishing system follows this process plan:

One of Nextech’s fire protection experts will visit your company to identify which server racks, electrical panels and distribution cabinets need safeguarding.

The number, size and location of fire protection systems (including the location of smoke detectors at each object being protected) are defined.

The protection plan is reviewed and approved by the company.

The fire protection system is delivered and installed by Nextech technicians.

The system is put into operation.

Relevant staff receive training in the day-to-day use of the system and in how to handle alarms.

Annual inspection is carried out by the company’s own staff – the power supply is checked and the filter in the aspiration system is replaced.

The battery is replaced every four years.

Any replacement of components and refilling of extinguishing agent after system activation is carried out by Nextech.